Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sashka Continued

Yesterday we had our first real snow, and it was beautiful!

We were able to see the snow falling while we walked to the Freedom Home to spend the night.    Last night I was able to use my nursing skills.  I gave shots, did an assessment and taught about upper respiratory infections.  It was wonderful !  This week I also began teaching the staff, and I think it went really well.  Everyone participated and I believe people were learning.  I feel very blessed to teach these woman.
Today we had a pretty relaxed day.  In the morning, we hung out at the home.  This afternoon I had Russian  and my teacher spent the majority of the time teaching me medical vocabulary in Russian.  I don't think I have laughed that hard in a while.  You can only imagine :)  I now know how to do a mini assessment in Russian.

    Our kitten Sasha is doing very well.  She has successfully been de flead thanks to Jessie's and Curtis's (a friend working in the Ukraine orphanages) help.  She is loved by all the school children who are in our apartment during the daytime.  Every morning they pray for her to get completely healthy, and ask me how she is doing.  She is gaining weight and recently started playing.  I am extremely grateful to have her, and appreciate all the people who are showing her love.

Day 1, before bath time.   

falling in love

I'm clean.  This was after her second set of baths.  We successfully de-flead her after four hours of surgery :)
Today, sitting on Uncle Don's lap

I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalms 4:8

1 comment:

  1. Hi dear Sarah, I am so proud of you for taking care of this cat. I see that you put her next to radiator after bath to get warm. May God bless you for you beautiful heart. I am not a cat lover, but Sashka is really cute. xox Livia&Peter
    p.s. Peter follows your blog with me now:) He says hello.
