Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Quality time in the hospital

      Sorry I was not able to write yesterday the website wasn't working.  However the last two days have been fun filled and full of challenging times.  Yesterday was the beginning of the Visa process which included a visit to the hospital clinic with Jessie (my roomate), Emily, Igor (our interpreter and guide), and myself.  We walked into this ancient gray building which had hallways lined with doors.  Through each white door you would find different specialties such as dermatology, Psychiatry, etc... In order to live in the country you have to be checked off by physicians of the different specialties and undergoe a series of blood tests.  Most of the specialties consisted of a doctor asking us if we had a problem related to the specialty, no physical exam was done.  I was kind of amazed from a nursing persepctive but also very appreciative that they did not have to examine me.  This total process took about two days at the clinic.  Praise God I am healthy and Moldova should be safe with me living in the country.  After hospital time today, we headed to a restaurant with all kinds of stuffed crepes. It was delicious. We ended back at our apartment after Jessie and I did our first ride on the public transportation van (the Rutiera) alone.  I was praying a throughout the ride that we would know where to tell the van driver to stop since there are no street signs.   God is good; we arrived home!!!

The Lord says I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and watch over you.   Psalms 32:8


  1. In Slovakia, the physician will only take the blood work and then you need to go to different facilities/doctors to have your X-ray done, EKG, etc. It's interesting to see how it works in Moldova. Praise God you are healthy! xoxo

  2. Yeah that is more like America. The process was not to bad at all :)

  3. So glad everything is going good, lol you are hilarious "Moldova should be safe with me living in the country" haha, can't wait to hear more about your adventure! btw, I'll send my skype adress to Erica and I¡ll ask for yours.
    Blessings my friend.

  4. Thanks Indira. I would love to skype with you.

  5. Is it cold there already? You are wearing a jacket. LOL
